Interviews and Features
Bondju (Part 2: Imiri)
The doulas are human too. When we were all rescued from the dying planet Earth, the Bondju chanted the welcome song over us to awaken our true selves. The twins had more than just Bondju blood. They were vessels. The Orisha use them as intermediaries between this world and beyond.
On Self-Determining and Actualization Through Art, Family, and Community: A Conversation with Chef Omar Tate
People know that I’m a Black person, doing Black things about Black shit. And that’s first and foremost and that’s always been first and foremost.
Angola is wherever I plant my field
and we are the ones who insist on believing otherwise, endeavouring to invent something else, but we don't get it,
untitled. (we carve out a stillness)
i’m inclined to believe in the beautyof petit-marronage,of wake work.
Mother Marabou and River Nile: A Story Poem
Moon was crying from her flogCondemned lazy for not keeping the eye on the babies,Sun had run away in fear
Sister, the first love of my life/Archive
If only my rage could rip through time and space.