Interviews and Features

Spring 2021 A Gathering Together Spring 2021 A Gathering Together

Space: The Problem and the Promise of Hiphop

This space is not an empty nothingness. It is actually raw potency—alive, vibrant and awake. Experiencing it is possible through meditative practices that deeply relax the mind and body, which cuts through our attempts at holding onto thoughts, feelings, and material existence.

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Spring 2021 A Gathering Together Spring 2021 A Gathering Together


"We are Bjondu. You are in the home place. You are the children of Bjondu. Your place is a dying place. Here you will live.”

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Spring 2021 A Gathering Together Spring 2021 A Gathering Together


Redemption, and its verb form “redeem,” come from Latin roots meaning essentially “to buy back,” but in common usage, it means “to atone for” or “to release.” Common meanings vary even more, but we can summarize the meaning of the noun form as fulfillment or freedom received in exchange for a payment. So what is the cost of freedom, and who should be making a payment?

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